Friday, November 23, 2007

Giving Thanks

I'm up in Portland Oregon with my brother & Donna, her family & lil Lia. Donna & Jaime have a baby on the way, so they flew west to be with her family before she is restricted from flying & soon giving birth in NY. They met here in P-town & Donna has a wonderful family who she is super close with, so its been a real special visit for all. I loved the short commute just a few hours north from California to celebrate Thanksgiving with family this year! Best is QT with my niece Lia! Of course, I miss being with my parents & other brother Barry, but we are always together in spirit.

As a conscious woman, I take a daily inventory of what I am grateful for. I am sure you have heard of Oprah's gratitude journal, my version happens during my morning walks on the beach. So much to be grateful for!! Just a few that Id love to share with you today are: my family who taught me my values & morals that I hold today, that I have freedom & choice to live the life I desire to create, that I know spirituality & conscious living & that I know my Dharma (life's path) - sharing yoga with children.

Id love to hear from you and what it is you are grateful for. Declare it to the world as a "comment" here or better yet, share it with someone personally.

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