Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Gardening, Surfing & NGY!
That's what my life is here in Encinitas, and I am very well content with my life! Contentment is Santosha in Sanskrit. Such a beautiful word and such a liberating, existence. I truly have the feeling of excitement when I think about my life.
The herb garden is complete, I am growing 2 kinds of rosemary, 3 kinds of basil, fennel, green onion, cilantro, parsley, cutting celery and oregano - yahoo!!! I also planted a 6-pack of arugula YUM!
Yesterday while surfing at Cardiff Reef a seal popped up out through a wave, his lil bald head looked so cute! So cool to be with dolphins, seals & surfers, oh my!
NGY is soaring, to South America! I am excited to share that I am licensing "NGY" to Carolina Ortiz & Borka Bozovich where they will open a Next Generation Yoga studio in Lima, Peru. C & B are loving, talented, courageous women, mothers & school teachers who are committed to educating children with health and yoga at the forefront. You can imagine, I am thrilled - can you say Machu Picchu NGY Yoga Retreat!!