Sunday, June 01, 2008

New hobbies are good!

In the past week I have found 2 new hobbies: riding a bike & drying wild white California Sage. I love exploring new things and awakening and exercising different parts of my brain.

Like a typical Taurus I committed to buying a bike last weekend, and so I did - I found a sweet deal on craigslist and bought a 1 year old 7 gear Schwinn Beach Cruiser. I have been riding around my neighborhood, visiting friends & made it to the beach on Sunday. When he is not mouthing his leash, Chants is my co-pilot.

My other hobby came about randomly when Shawn & I were visiting a friends' property (33 acres!) somewhere in Escondido (East County, San Diego). I wondered up a hill amongst a 1000 sq foot artichoke bed and on the outskirts, there it was EVERYWHERE! Sage was growing wild, all over the place. I had never seen this plant growing, and was so excited to recognize it, smell it, and yes, cut it!!

Sage has incredible edible and medical properties. I have yet to cook with it, but have gargled with sage tea for my sore throat, tied up lots of adorable bundles and decorated my kitchen, and made lots of smudge sticks that cant wait to be burned.

Oh so fun!

When I think of my life since I moved to Cali and all that I now get to do living here...gardening, surfing, biking...I am so blessed and grateful for my choices.

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