Thursday, February 26, 2009
3 months pregnant & Im back surfing
Yesterday I milestoned out of the 1st trimester, and today I felt good enough to get back in the water! I haven't been surfing much lately, mostly because I have just been too cold or too tired to get in the water. Amazingly though today on a warm spring like gorgeous day, just one day in to the 2nd trimester, I felt good to go. I just loved being back in the water, especially with baby in towe. We were both swimming in the womb of the mama.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Hug It Foward
Last weekend I had the privilege of contributing to one mans dream. Along with 30+ other GREAT souls, in a course called Spirit of Greatness, during a team building exercise we created a vision, a plan & made it happen.
The mission is similar to FREE HUGS, but Hug it Forward is about each person giving 10 hugs a day. Imagine if you hugged 10 people today, and they hugged another 10 each, in 10 days that would be 10 billion hugs!!
To me, the power of a hug, is so much more than body contact. It is an exchange of energy that soothes the soul, better than any medicine or drug I think.
Be alert to Hug it Forward, as it is coming to YOU, sooner than you think. And I am proud to be on the team that launched this vision.