Monday, April 20, 2009

Soul-In Coming

Yesterday would have been the 120th I was pregnant. David & I believed in this Yogic tradition... that on the 120th day the baby's soul enters the body. Weeks ago we were excited and inspired to celebrate this upcoming day and chose to surround ourselves and the baby with positive and high vibrational friends. We planned for a potluck and invited guests to bring an instrument for singing and playing.

When we miscarried last week, we were unsure what to do, for it too is my birthday, we thought why not celebrate my life. We muscle tested ourselves several times and kept getting that having the gathering was our highest choice. I am so glad we did as it was such a beautiful day and so healing on many levels.

The day was filled with loving friends, innocent little souls, yummy food, communal music and supportive reconnections. David & I continue to be overwhelmed by the love and support we are recieving from near and far away family and friends. Thank you thank you.

Happy Birthday, Jodi! May your days be filled with peace, joy and love ...
Jodi, I wish I could have been there to be with you and celebrate you and the life you nurtured. I also buried a little soul in a park overlooking Monterey Bay, who I believe came around again in Karsten. All of our experiences bless us in some way. It sounds like you are getting lots of love and support, I'm so glad. We think of you often and miss you. Sending our love and hugs to you.
Susan, Tristan, Morgan and Karsten
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