Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 Miracles
I truly believe that no matter how small or big, good or bad, life is FULL of miracles. I have been encouraged by my Teacher to document my monthly miracles from 2009. Well, actually he said to write down all the GOOD ones, so to remember only the good...but like I said I consider even the challenging times miracles. Because there are truly gifts and lessons found in the tough times too. Id love to share...
- January was a doozy! After living alone for over 15 years, my then boyfriend now husband ;-) moved in to the teeny-tiny beach house I was living/working in. In the same week, I found out I had new life growing inside of me - I was pregnant! (See April for the miracle of Truman.)
- February was a powerful month for Next Generation Yoga as I created & shot my first TV gig: 16 Activity TV Jr. Yoga segments for Comcast on demand!
- March was a celebratory month! The moment I had been waiting for my whole life...David proposed to me on the floor during Savasana at the Yoga studio where we first met. So divinely perfect to feel a ring being slipped on my finger after yoga practice and meditation with him. We went to Florida and were blessed by both our parents and showered with love by our extended family and friends.
- April was also a doozy...I learned the lesson of miscarrying a baby and what it is to deeply connecting with David during a challenging time. Days later, I turned 35 years young!!
- May we united our love and committed ourselves to each other with the love and blessings of our immediate families. All this under a double rainbow and Ganesha Huppah in Sedona, Arizona.
- June we enjoyed an adventurous honeymoon in the Grand Canyon. We joined the 1% club and hiked down to the bottom and up the top. Amazing Grace indeed!
- July I returned back to my roots in NYC and led 2 annual NGY Teacher Trainings. I got to reconnect with many old friends and families I used to teach. I always love & appreciate this trip!
- August I woke up! I got attuned with Reiki energy and began studying with Paul Ferrini, the Real Happiness work.
- September I journeyed to the magical land of Santa Fe for my first time where I attended Paul Ferrini's Spiritual Mastery Retreat. Powerful!
- October we moved in to a large 3-bedroom new single family house! This after much looking for the right & perfect home for us! I too celebrated 1 year of being off anti-depressants, wooohooo!
- November was filled with Komitor & Revivo family visits! We had lots of good quality time with my entire family (niece & nephew included) and Davids' parents too. It was an honor & a joy to host for Thanksgiving!
- December was also full of celebration, Davids 37th Birthday, and the holidays of course. I loved gathering with friends and community who too are my family.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
I had a fabulous Thanksgiving this year as my entire family, and David's parents, came to visit us here in San Diego. Yep - we didn't have to do a bit of traveleing and it was awesome!
As newly-weds, it was our first time hosting Thanksgiving together. It was such a treat to cook with my mom and have the whole family at our new house enjoying the home we created together.
What was also so fun was being a tourist and playing at Disney & Lego Land, 2 local destinations I always wanted to visit but was waiting till my neice and nephew came to visit.
As newly-weds, it was our first time hosting Thanksgiving together. It was such a treat to cook with my mom and have the whole family at our new house enjoying the home we created together.
What was also so fun was being a tourist and playing at Disney & Lego Land, 2 local destinations I always wanted to visit but was waiting till my neice and nephew came to visit.