Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Miracles

I truly believe that no matter how small or big, good or bad, life is FULL of miracles. I have been encouraged by my Teacher to document my monthly miracles from 2009. Well, actually he said to write down all the GOOD ones, so to remember only the good...but like I said I consider even the challenging times miracles. Because there are truly gifts and lessons found in the tough times too. Id love to share...
I can hardly wait for the miracles of 2010! I trust there will be many!
Wishing you a year full of tiny & BIG miracles!!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

I had a fabulous Thanksgiving this year as my entire family, and David's parents, came to visit us here in San Diego. Yep - we didn't have to do a bit of traveleing and it was awesome!

As newly-weds, it was our first time hosting Thanksgiving together. It was such a treat to cook with my mom and have the whole family at our new house enjoying the home we created together.

What was also so fun was being a tourist and playing at Disney & Lego Land, 2 local destinations I always wanted to visit but was waiting till my neice and nephew came to visit.

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